New Disciples Spring 2019!

Thank you all for auditioning!!! All of you were hilarious and we truly enjoyed all of your performances the past three nights! We can’t express how much we appreciate you trying out. We encourage each of you to keep pursuing comedy! Without further ado, we would like to present the newest Disciples!

NEW DISCIPLES!! (Spring ’18)

First off, thank you so so so so so much for all of the effort you’ve put in these past three nights. You are all killer comedians and we’re truly appreciative of the free comedy shows you’ve given us. If you did not make the troupe and would like the notes on what you could improve on, please don’t hesitate to message our Facebook Page or email us at Without further ado, please join us in welcoming our newest Disciples –

Disciples Callbacks Round 2 (Spring 2019)

First off, thank you all for a very entertaining night. It’s a pleasure watching all of you perform. So if you didn’t receive a callback, KEEP PERFORMING comedy and take advantage of all the learning and performing outlets around Chapel Hill including our workshops, as well as Chapel Hilarity (a group that hosts standup workshops and open mics), and We the Ladies (an all-femme comedy show). Also come audition again, because we’d love to work with all of you.   If you did not receive a callback and would like the notes on… Read More

Disciples Callbacks (Spring 2018)

Thank you to everyone who came out tonight. This was a great round of auditions. For those of you who did not receive callbacks KEEP PERFORMING! Please audition again and come to our workshops. If you are specifically interested in standup, Chapel Hilarity and We The Ladies are another resources on campus that offers workshops and open mics for standup. If you did not receive a callback and would like the notes on what you could improve on, please don’t hesitate to message our Facebook Page or email us at We… Read More